About WeMingo

Hi, my name's Johannes. I'm a software developer and the founder of WeMingo. I know what's it like to live with Paruresis all too well. I first started confronting myself with the issue in 2014 — at first by reading books, later on a workshop run by the International Paruresis Association and eventually by practicing with pee buddies. Nowadays I'm doing much better and I have reached a level, which is good enough for me.

I believe that online therapy will play a big role in the future. I wanted to make a contribution so that others struggling from Paruresis could benefit from this new and powerful format.

How it all got started

To receive some initial funding, I participated in a business plan competition with two teammates, Pavle and Moritz, at Hasso Plattner Institute. Out of 27 teams, we made it into the top 3.

Unfortunately, we didn't end up winning the big price. So all we were left with, is this team photo in the obligatory bathroom setting 😉

The WeMingo team at the business plan competition at Hasso Plattner Institute
Photo: HPI/K.Herschelmann

That was only the beginning of a lot of presentations at events such as the Charité Entrepreneurship Summit and in front of health insurance committees.

Presenting at the business plan competition BPW Berlin Brandenburg

I'm sure there was some kind of therapeutical benefit in telling my own story over and over again.

Berliner Startup Stipend

In October 2016, my efforts in securing initial funding paid off and WeMingo was awarded a Berlin Startup Stipend worth EUR 18,000. It allowed me to focus on the development of the self-help program for a full year.

Besides the financial support, I received invaluable advice from the chair of Prof. Dr. Christine Knaevelsrud at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her research group on Clinical Psychological Intervention has developed the TK-DepressionsCoach, an online intervention for people suffering from depression, and I was happy to benefit from their expertise in this area.

WeMingo launched in September 2017 in German and the English version went live in July 2018.


Since 2018, I'm administering Germany's biggest online community for people struggling with Paruresis, paruresis.de. I have made technical improvements to ensure reliable and safe operations in the future. I answer to support requests and take care of continuous maintenance. Proceeds from the sale of the self-help program allow me to make time for it and to bear the associated hosting costs.